CNC working

The cast products can be worked by using machines that can be programmed for all types of processing. All dimensions that cannot be cast are machined here in this way. The great advantage is high accuracy, because we often only have to machine once and strive for high process reliability.
A sample of the machine operations that we offer:

  • Milling
  • Drilling
  • Tapping
  • Turning
  • Boring
  • Reaming
  • Diamond machining

Surface treatment

Since the products frequently must have color or, e.g., be protected against corrosion, a surface treatment is frequently performed. In this case, you have a choice of different methods.

  • Wet enameling using a wet enamel, a primer coat is applied with spray guns or in an automatic spraying facility and then the final color is applied. All Ral colors are possible
  • Powder coating: in powder enameling the powder particles and product are electrically charged. The powder is applied to the product with a spray gun or in an automatic spraying facility. The powdered enamel adheres to the product due to the electric charge.
  • Electrochemical treatment: a collective term for all chemical surface treatments such as chrome-plating and galvanizing. The products are immersed in a bath with chemicals containing chromium or zinc. Due to the electrical charge of both bath and products, the chemicals adhere firmly to the product
  • Blasting: the castings can be trimmed or de-burred by using sand, glass, ceramic or even metal as a medium. The medium is blown onto the products at high-speed. The advantage is that the medium gets into all of the corners of the products that are difficult to reach. In this way, even very small burrs in poorly accessible corners can be removed. The product acquires a non lustrous exterior from the blasting.
  • Rotofinish/Buffing; This is also used to de-burr the product. However, in this case, ceramic, plastic or pellets are used. The medium is rotated in a drum to which the products are added. The medium comes into contact with the products and de-burrs them. The de-burring effect is less than in the case of blasting, but the great advantage is that the exterior is not changed unless this is done intentionally as in the case of pellet polishing, resulting in a lustrous effect